STAR WARS Movie Electronic Lightsabers - QUI-GON
STAR WARS Movie Electronic Lightsabers - QUI-GONStar Wars36864 is a product to be taken into possession. Because there is very useful in applications. And it's a reasonable price. Not too expensive. STAR WARS Movie Electronic Lightsabers - QUI-GONStar Wars36864 can be purchased from the Internet. After STAR WARS Movie Electronic Lightsabers - QUI-GONStar Wars36864 was purchased. Products are delivered quickly. It makes our family very happy after work. It is very easy to use. The installation is easy because STAR WARS Movie Electronic Lightsabers - QUI-GONStar Wars36864 is easy to read and understand the information they love STAR WARS Movie Electronic Lightsabers - QUI-GONStar Wars36864 so much. We have recommended that we buy it all. If you are looking for a similar product that I recommend. Because the price is not too expensive. One. STAR WARS Movie Electronic Lightsabers - QUI-GONStar Wars36864 has a price. And limited.STAR WARS Movie Electronic Lightsabers - QUI-GONStar Wars36864
STAR WARS Movie Electronic Lightsabers - QUI-GON Overview
The lightsaber is the ultimate weapon of the heroic Jedi and the sinister Sith. When these two forces of good and evil meet in battle, the clash of their blades echoes throughout the galaxy. Grab your lightsaber and join the fight! This incredible ELECTRONIC LIGHTSABER toy will make you feel just like a Jedi knight! At 2½ feet long, your mighty blade ignites at the press of a button and each swing will create a glowing arc of light!
STAR WARS Movie Electronic Lightsabers - QUI-GON Feature
- The saber makes a humming sound when it ignites and battle-clash sounds as you spar with your enemies.
- Lift your ELECTRONIC LIGHTSABER toy and get ready to fight just like the QUI GON-JINN character!
- ELECTRONIC LIGHTSABER toy hums on ignition and makes battle-clashing sounds!
- Ignite the 2½-foot blade by pressing the button.
- Includes lightsaber.